Product Information

More than club... 100 years of Hakoah Vienna 1909 - 2009

More than club... 100 years of Hakoah Vienna 1909 - 2009
Publisher: Książka
  • Original title: "... mehr als ein Sportverein": 100 Jahre Hakoah Wien 1909 - 2009
  • Author: Susanne Helene Betz, Monika Löscher, Pia Schölnberger
  • Year of publication: 2009
  • ISBN: 978-3706546836
  • Number of pages: 370
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Product Description

Country of Publication: Austria

Language: German

Author: Susanne Helene Betz, Monika Löscher, Pia Schölnberger
Publisher: Studien Verlag
Year of publication: 2009
ISBN: 978-3706546836
Number of pages: 370
Cover: hardcover
Dimensions (mm): 239 (height), 158 (width), 36 (thickness)
Weight: 770 g.
Colour: no
Described teams: Hakoah Vienna
Statistics, tabels: no

Description: Hakoah sports club was set up in Vienna, in 1909. During its heyday at the beginning of the 20s of XX century it became one of the most important sports clubs in Austria. The sporstmen from the club were having numerous successes (football, track and field, swimming) in the country as well as in the international competitions. Hakoah was also an important part of Jewish community. The book is a scientific publication based on research, numerous sources and documents.

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