Product Information

Female Football: compendium

Female Football: compendium
Publisher: Książka
  • Original Title: Frauenfußball: Aus dem Abseits in die Spitze
  • Author: Daniel Meuren, Rainer Hennies
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • ISBN: 978-3-89533-837-3
  • Number of pages: 448
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Product Description

Country of Publication: Germany

Language: German

Author: Daniel Meuren, Rainer Hennies
Publisher: Verlag die Verkstatt
Year of publication: 2011
ISBN: 978-3-89533-837-3
Number of pages: 448
Edition: 2.
Cover: hardcover
Dimensions (mm): 240 (height), 170 (width)
Weight: 1100 g.
Colour: yes
Described teams: FC St. Pauli, SSG Bergisch-Gladbach, TSV Siegen, FSV Frankfurt, FFC Frankfurt, FCR Duisburg, Turbine Potsdam, FFC Wacker München.
Sport: football

Description: This is an extraordinary book about football performed by women. Although this discipline a few years ago was seen as a curiosity on sports world map, today matches played between female teams, filling up stadiums till last seat. The book "Frauen Fussball: Aus dem Abseits in die Spitze" is a compendium about this discipline. You will find an overview of the major German female football clubs, profiles of players and coaches. The book presents the history of women's football since its inception in the early years of twentieth century, until World Cup 2011.

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