Product Information

Football War of Worlds: FUJI Football Encyclopedia (volume 44)

Football War of Worlds: FUJI Football Encyclopedia (volume 44)
Publisher: Wydawnictwo GiA
  • Original title: Futbolowa wojna światów: Encyklopedia piłkarska FUJI (tom 44)
  • Author: Andrzej Gowarzewski
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • ISBN: 978-83-88232-42-8
  • Number of pages: 332
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Product Description

Country of Publication: Poland

Language: Polish

Autor: Andrzej Gowarzewski
Publisher: GiA
Year of publication: 2014
ISBN: 978-83-88232-42-8
Number of pages: 332
Cover: hard
Dimensions (mm): 237 (height), 163 (width)
Colour: yes
Sport: football
Statistics, tabels: yes

Description: Futbolowa wojna światów: Encyklopedia piłkarska FUJI (tom 44) is second part of Andrzej Gowarzewski's series about World Cup. This edition is extension and supplement to Andrzej Gowarzewski's former publication about FIFA World Cup competitions. This volume include statistics concerning qualifying matches and the final rounds in the World Cup, 1930 - 1978.

Heroes of Golden Nike (Jules Rimet Trophy). Encyclopedia of football FUJI (volume 43)

Heroes of Golden Nike (Jules Rimet Trophy). Encyclopedia of football FUJI (volume 43)
  • Original title: Herosi Złotej Nike. Encyklopedia piłkarska FUJI (tom 43)
  • Author: Andrzej Gowarzewski
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • ISBN: 978-83-88232-41-1
  • Number of pages: 320
Price: 14.17

Mundial with the accreditation: FUJI Football Encyclopedia (volume 45)

Mundial with the accreditation: FUJI Football Encyclopedia (volume 45)
  • Author: Andrzej Gowarzewski
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • ISBN: 978-83-88232-43-5
  • Number of pages: 330
Price: 14.17
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