Product Information

Encyclopedia of sports clubs in Warsaw and its surroundings 1918-39

Encyclopedia of sports clubs in Warsaw and its surroundings 1918-39
Publisher: Książka
  • Original title: Encyklopedia klubów sportowych Warszawy i jej najbliższych okolic w latach 1918-39
  • Author: Robert Gawkowski
  • Year of Publication: 2008
  • ISBN: 978-83-235-0382-8
  • Number of pages: 448
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Product Description

Country of Publication: Poland

Language: Polish

Author: Robert Gawkowski
Publisher: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Year of publication: 2008
Cover price: not given
ISBN: 978-83-235-0382-8
Number of pages: 448
Edition: not given
Cover: hardcover
Dimensions (mm): 240 (height), 170(width)
Weight: 950 g.
Colour: yes
Described teams: over 200 (sic!) sport clubs from Warsaw and its surroundings
Described sport: football, cycling, volleyball, among others
Statistics, tables: yes

See the table of contents (Click here)

Description: The bok consists of two parts. The first part is an encyclopedic description of over 200 clubs from Warsaw and its surroundings during the period between the two World Wars. The second part is a history of the physical culture in Warsaw and its surroundings on the political and social background. There is also an information about participation of Warsaw sportsmen in Olympic Games, records of the Warsaw sports clubs, venues (stadiums, sport halls etc.) The book is richly illustrated with the photographs that were mostly taken from the newspapers of the time and National Digital Archives.

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